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Attendance Office

Attendance Policies & Guidelines

A rising rising with a counter and Every day counts underneath

Yellow mustang running silhouette

Marble Falls High School Start on Time Policy

It's not just important to be at school every day.  It's equally important to be on time to class.  We have to be efficient with the use of our limited instructional time and students who are late lose out big!  Did you know that being just one minute late to class each period is equivalent to losing nearly 24 days of instruction?

MFHS uses an automated system to track student tardies.  A tardy is defined as not being inside the classroom when the tardy bell rings.  Should this occur, the student must report to the Assistant Principal's office to receive a Tardy Pass.  Each time a student receives a pass the system issues a consequence.  The consequences are as follows:

  1. First Tardy Warning
  2. Second Tardy Lunch Detention
  3. Third Tardy Lunch Detention
  4. Fourth Tardy 1 hour of after school detention
  5. Fifth Tardy 1 hour of after school detention
  6. Sixth Tardy 2 hour block of after school detention
  7. Seventh Tardy 2 hour block of after school detention
  8. Eighth and Beyond Administrative Referral with a full day of ISS assigned

Tardy counts will reset at the beginning of each grading period so that students can get a fresh start.